
Sunday 10 May 2020

Blade Runner Pt1

I thought I'd start with my favourite movie, the masterpiece that is Blade Runner, based (very loosely) on the Philip_K._Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, read the book and then you'll realise why I say very loosely.

So what is it about Blade Runner that I love so much, the story, the visuals, the music, well it's all of them really.

The story: World weary seen it all cop starts questioning the morality of his job, sounds a bit familiar (and I have simplified it an awful lot) but you know what "they" say, there's only really 7 basic stories and virtually every movie is variant of one of these.

It's about how the story's played out, it's down to the actors and the director. You've got Han Solo/Indiana Jones in the lead role being directed by Aliens Ridley Scott (who also directed the iconic Hovis:Boy on bike  short), surely an easy money making hit!
A very good book on the making of and problems surrounding the movie is Future Noir:The making of Blade Runner, check out details on their FB page:

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