
Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Last House on the Left (2009)

The 2009 remake of Last House is mediocre at best, it follows the basic premise of the original but seems to miss the point and falls foul of the same problems that a lot, but not all, remakes seem to suffer from.

Let's start with Mari, played by Sarah Paxton, she is so pure, so naive, so sickly sweet they should have supplied sick bags, as opposed the Sandra Peabodys' Mari, who just seemed like a normal 17yo teenager.

Next we have her friend Paige (an update from Phyllis, most have thought it sounded like an out of date name) played by Martha Maclsaac, I can only guess that the director (Dennis Iliadis) told her to play the part as a 2D, cliched bad girl leading good girl astray, and we know she's a better actress than that.

Now we come to Krugs dysfunctional "family" they're just not, dare I say it, scary enough (apart from Arron Paul who constantly looks out of it!) it's the Hollywood beautiful people syndrome, I'm not saying that the guys in the original were ugly, but they could play ugly.

On the positive sides there are some good cast,  inventive kills, it's still not an easy watch in places (but is quite boring in others) and Garrett Dillahunt is a good quiet psycho, but he's no David Hess. So who's to blame, the writers, the director, the editor, the actors, I don't know, all I do know is that it doesn't work as a whole.
The final kill is cool, but the change in the ending (I do try not to give spoilers away) I didn't, typical Hollywood.

Just so people don't think I just hate remakes here's a couple that worked, though could they be called updates/re-imaginings.

Actually have this poster singed by Romeo, and he had nothing to do with the film!

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