
Sunday 31 May 2020

Who did they want to play that??? Pt 2

Lets start with Lord of the Rings, great films, spot on cast, but Russel Crowe as Aragorn instead of Viggo Mortensen, and what about Sean Connery instead of Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, I think the correct choices were made.

I read Brett Easton Ellises American Psycho some time before the film was announced, when I heard about the film I was a bit shocked because of the nature of the book, several actors were offered the role of Patrick Bateman including Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Ewan McGregor to name but a few, most turned down the role due to it's extremely violent and disturbing nature, but in the end Christian Bale took the role.

Talking of Pitt and DiCaprio, Brokeback Mountain anyone?

Depp, Depp, Depp......? Johnny Depp was approached to play Ferris Bueller (I can see that working) but due to scheduling commitments (yep that old chestnut) the role was given to Matthew Broderick who, we can all agree, did a fantastic job!

Legally Blonde is a feel good movie, and Reece Witherspoon plays the lead Elle Woods with aplomb, you can't really imagine anyone else playing her, except of course Christina Applegate!

How about Fast and Furious without Vin Diesel, well the part was originally offered to Timothy Olyphant, but he passed on it, without Diesel would it become the multi billion dollar franchise it is, we'll never know!

La La Land starring Emma Watson and Miles Teller, there's one to think about.

Here's one of the strangest casting choices, O.J. Simpson was the studios first choice as the Terminator, let that sink in for a minute, Arnold Schwarzennegger was actually offered the role of Kyle Reece, but it all worked out in the end. On the other hand if Simpson had taken the role the film probably wouldn't have been the massive success that it was, which would have been a shame, but then again we wouldn't have had to suffer Terminator 3, Salvation or Genysis, so, swing and roundabouts!

Nic Cage as the Green Goblin in Spiderman, yep, totally get that, Willem DeFoe was great but Cage does play manic with the volume turned up to 11!

Tom Cruise as Tony Stark, biggest nope available on that one, Robert Downey Jr IS Ironman!

Tom Cruise as Edward Scissorhands, really? It was the studio that wanted Cruise, but Tim Burton wanted Johnny Depp, luckily Burton won out on this one.

James McAvoy in M Night Shyamalan's Split was inspired, a brilliant performance on many levels, and personalities, but he wasn't the directors first choice, Joaquin Phoenix was, and dare I say it he would have done a great job as well, but due to, yep you guessed it, scheduling conflicts he wasn't available.

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