
Sunday 14 June 2020

Video Nasties: The Seduction of the Gullible Pt 3.5

Evilspeak (1981) was a pre-cert uncut release, thus fell foul of the BBFC and courts, the 1987 video release had 3 and a half minutes of cuts, 2004 there were 2 releases, one fully uncut, the other had the previous cuts waived but was re-edited.
A bullied military cadet learns how to get back at his tormentors by using a spell and a computer, and it stars the wonderful Cliff Howard (see one of my previous blogs).
So the cuts were basically a little bit off all the killings, none were cut right out, just trimmed, the credits were speeded up as well, trimming a further one and a half minutes!
This is a very 80's movie, it's a good slasher/supernatural thriller, great score and very good production values, it is dated but still worth a watch.

Expose (1976) was originally released for cinema with an X certificated after over 3 minutes of cut, InterVision released it on video in 1979, trouble is this was the uncut version, naughty boys, so it ended up on the banned list, and has the dubious distiction of being number 39. It was finally released with only a measly 51 of cuts in 1995, and that is the version available now, though the Horror channel did screen a fully uncut version under the title of The House on Straw Hill.
Udo Kier has writers block, the dreaded difficult 2nd album,  so he decided to get away from it all and hires a secretary to help him out, that's where the trouble begins!
There's rape and violence in this movie, that's what was trimmed down or cut, both are quite graphic.
It wasn't too long ago I saw this movie, it was under the Straw Hill title, it's a bit of a mess, costarring with Kier is Fiona Richmond, not normally known for this type of movie, though to be fair it would take a trauma (another name it was released under) doctor to revive this!
The trailer just about sums up the movie!

Faces of Death (1978) was a mondo movie, so a pseudo documentary, this style was used a lot in the exploitation genre., released to the cinema uncut, on the original pre-cert video release a gas chamber simulation scene was added. It was banned under the Obscene Publications Act 1954 and prosecuted.
This mockumentary basically highlights the fragility of life by show different way to die, real footage and simulated, it's present by Dr. B. Gross (played by Michael Carr).
The 2003 cut version lost a couple of minutes due to animal cruelty and that was the last time it was presented.
I hold my hands up, I've never seen this, never wanted to and will never be curious enough to, but that is why I feel like I do about censorship, I don't need someone else to censor movies, I do that all by myself! This title has spawned many sequels and copycats. There's a documentary on Netflix at the moment called The Killing of America that's basically crime scene photos and news footage/cctv/filmed crimes in progress, it's very graphic, didn't make it through to the end, it didn't educate me or entertain me, there is no point to it in my eyes other than sensationalise the violence and gore, not my thing.

Fight for Your Life (1977) was refused a cinema release and a video classification, doesn't appear to have resubmitted.
Nasty little home invasion exploitation film about a 3 escaped convicts who hole up in a black pastors house where they verbally and physically abuse the family.
No UK release has ever been achieved.
It's an uncomfortable film to watch, the leader of the escaped convicts is an extreme racist, his words and actions prove this, there are some very violent scenes but it's the language that'll shock you more. This is probably one title that should have fallen into obscurity, watch it with that in mind, or don't, the choice is yours!

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