
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Video Nasties: The Seduction of the Gullible Pt 3.8

Mardi Gras Massacre (1978) has never had a UK release, either cinema or video.
Someone is committing ritual murders of women during Mardi Gras, the clue was in the title really!
I have to admit that I haven't seen this movie, which shocked me a bit, but this one seemed to have pass me by, I've just checked out reviews online (no full movie freely available, sorry) and they are not favorable on the whole, and the scenes they show look and sound (it has a disco soundtrack!) cheesy AF! If you're that desperate to see it then I'm sure there are copies out there, Videoscreen did release a region free version, and I'm sure you could find it on a torrent sight somewhere.

Nightmares of a Damaged Brain (1981) released with 3 minutes of cuts for cinema release 1982, fell foul of the BBFC and DPP when World of Video released unauthorised copies of the film on video that was a minute longer than the cinema cut, released on video in 2002 slightly cut under the title of Nightmare, the 2015 release is mostly uncut but reedited.
A schizophrenic patient suffering from reoccurring nightmares escapes an mental institution after receiving experimental treatment to 'reprogram' his brain, he goes on a killing spree with the ultimate aim of killing his wife and child.
The cuts were to the more graphic killings including the throat slitting, axe blows and blood frothing from the wound, the multiple stabbings during the telephone murder and the pickaxe killing.
Although showing it's age this isn't a bad slasher, effects are good, acting (especially Baird Stafford who plays the lead) is overall good as well, story is well paced and atmospheric and quite tense at times.

Night of the Bloody Apes (1969), it's 1974 cinema release was heavily cut and it appears that the video release in the early 80's may have been uncut (no record on the BBFC website) thus suffering the wrath of the DPP. The early 90's release  was supposed to be cut, but Vipco accidentily released the uncut version, the tapes were recalled. In 1999 Satanica video released the Vipco edit (their logo was still visible), the 2002 release was also heavily cut, it was finally released uncut in 2007.
A surgeons son is dying of leukemia so he decides to give him a heart transplant, he uses a gorillas heart! The son takes on the characteristics of the gorilla and goes on a bloody rampage!
The cuts involved the open heart surgery (they used real footage) most of the gory killings and the rape scene.
This is a low budget Mexican horror movie that involves nudity, real medical footage, cheap and nasty gore shots and not forgetting women wrestling! It's a curiosity but not a great movie, funny in places, although not supposed to be, especially the transformation make up!

Night of the Demon (1979 -83) there seems to be some confusion on the release date depending where you go to for info. No apparent cinema release in the UK, and was banned until 1994, though that release was heavily cut, that was the only official release.
An anthropologist and his student go hunting Bigfoot!
The nearly 2 minutes of cuts were almost all of the scenes of graphic violence, the arm ripping, open wounds, the face having his face burned off and the castration of the biker!
This is a bad film, but a giggle, yep, so bad it's good! It suits the premise of the movie, lets go hunting Bigfoot, who if you're to believe the movie camps out close to roads ready to pounce on people. The infamous castration scene is so funny, I know it shouldn't be, there's no suspense and you can only assume that Bigfoot might have big feet but must be quite tiny as no-one see him until the last minute!

Snuff (1976) no UK release, neither cinema or video.
A so called "snuff" movie where a cult leader (poor mans Charles Manson) and his biker gang go around and kill people.
You get 2 movies for the price of one with this movie, the original film, Slaughter (1971) shot in Argentina, was allegedly so bad that no-one would pick it up for distribution so  Allen Shackleton picked it up finally and shelved it for 4 years.Shackleton, upon reading an article that snuff movies were being produced in Argentina, had an idea to cash in on this urban legend, he reedited Slaughter and added a final scene at the end of the film crew actually murdering and dismembering one of the cast members! To called the film Snuff, removed the credits (to add to the mystery) and promoted it as a real snuff movie with the tagline "The film that could only be made in South America.....where life is CHEAP!" Got to admit that the guy was a fantastic promoter, people flocked to see it, the press were up in arms and everybody was talking about it, shame it's such a massively awful movie!

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